ondüktör Mekteb-i Âlisi Dönemi (1911-1922)
Vilayet Nafıa İdarelerinin “Fen Memuru” (eski adıyla kondüktör, yeni adıyla tekniker) gereksinimlerini karşılamak amacıyla
1911’de Kondüktör Mekteb-i Âlisi adıyla, Paris’teki “Ecol De Conducteur”ün müfredat programı esas alınarak Bayındırlık
Bakanlığı’na bağlı bir okul kurulmuş ve okula öğrenci kaydına 22 Ağustos 1911’de başlanmıştır.
Nafıa Fen Mektebi Dönemi (1922-1937)
1922’de okulun adı Nafıa Fen Mektebi’ne dönüştürülmüş, öğrenim süresi 1926’da 2,5 yıla ve 1931’de 3 yıla çıkarılmıştır.
İstanbul Teknik Okulu Dönemi (1937-1969)
Türkiye’de imar işlerinin ve teknik hizmet gereksiniminin artması nedeniyle fen memurları ile yüksek mühendisler arasında
oluşan boşluğu doldurmak amacıyla 19 Aralık 1936 tarihinde yayımlanan ve 1 Haziran 1937 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren 3074
sayılı yasayla Nafıa Fen Mektebi kapatılarak yerine teknik okul kurulmuştur. 2 yıllık fen memuru ve 4 yıllık mühendislik bölümleri
olan okula Yıldız Sarayı müştemilatından, bugün de kullanılmakta olan binalar tahsis edilmiş ve buraya taşınılmıştır.
İlk kuruluşta fen memuru ve mühendislik dalında öğrenci yetiştiren inşaat ve makine bölümleri varken, 1942 ve 1943 ders
yılından itibaren mühendislik kısmında elektrik ve mimarlık bölümleri açılmıştır. Okul, 26 Eylül 1941 tarihinde yayımlanan
İstanbul Yüksek Mühendis Okulu ve Teknik Okulu’nun Maarif Vekâleti’ne devri hakkında kanun uyarınca Nafıa Vekâleti’nden
alınarak Maarif Vekâleti’ne bağlanmıştır.
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı’nın 07 Haziran 1949 tarihli kararıyla, kurumda Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisliği bölümü kurulmuş ve
Türkiye’de bu dalda mühendis yetiştiren ilk kuruluş olarak 1949–1950 ders yılında öğretime başlamıştır. 1951-1952 ders yılından
itibaren teknikerlik kısmı kapatılmıştır.
1959-1960 ders yılında İstanbul Teknik Okulu içinde bir ihtisas bölümü açılarak, bir yıllık öğrenim sonunda yüksek mühendis
ve yüksek mimar ünvanları verilmeye başlanmıştır.


General Information

Yildiz Technical University is one of the seven public universities situated in İstanbul besides being the 3rd oldest university of Turkey with its history dating back to 1911. It is regarded as one of the best universities in the country, as well. Our university has 11 Faculties, 2 Institutes, the Vocational School of Higher Education, the Vocational School for National Palaces and Historical Buildings, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 30,000 students.




There are several stages that our university has passed through in its distinguished past.


Kondüktör Mekteb-i Âlisi/ The Conductors (Technicians) School of Higher Education (1911-1922)

The Kondüktör Mekteb-i Âlisi/Conductors (Technicians) School of Higher Education was founded in 1911 in order to meet the “science officer” (known previously as conductors, and today as technicians) requirement of the Municipality Public Works Section. The school was modelled on the syllabus of the “Ecole de Conducteur” and was affiliated with the Ministry of Public Works. Enrolment began on 22 August 1911.


Nafia Fen Mektebi/The School of Public Works (1922-1937)

The name of the school was changed to Nafia Fen Mektebi/School of Public Works in 1922 and the duration of education was increased to 2,5 years in 1926 and 3 years in 1931.





The Istanbul Technical School (1937-1969)

Following the increase in public facilities and the requirement for technical services, a new law was published on 19 December, 1936. According to the new regulation (law no:3074) which came into effect on 1 June 1937 the Nafia Fen Mektebi was closed and the Technical School was established to supply workforce for the gap between technical officers and professional engineers. The school had a 2-year program for technical officers and a 4-year program for engineering. The school was given buildings, which are still in use today, from the Yıldız Palace annexes and moved here.

In the early period the school had Construction and Mechanical Science departments educating students as technical officers and engineers. From the 1942-1943 semesters on, Electricity and Architecture departments were founded as part of the department of engineering. The Law dated 26 September 1941 on the transfer of the Istanbul School of Professional Engineers and the Technical School to the Ministry of Education transferred the school from the Ministry of Public Works to the Ministry of Education. The decree of the Ministry of National Education dated 7 June 1949 founded the Cartography and Land Survey Engineering Department and began education in the 1949-1950 semesters as the first institution for engineers in Turkey in this field. In the 1951-1952 semesters the department for the education of technicians was closed. In the 1959-1960 semesters a department of specialization was opened at the Istanbul Technical School which awarded the titles of professional engineer and professional architect after a year’s study. 




Architectural Academy Period (1969-1982)

The school was established as an autonomous higher education and research institution with a new law (Law no. 1184) of State Engineering and Architectural Academies published on 3 June 1969. Law no. 1472 ruled for the closing of special vocational schools in 1971, and engineering schools were affiliated with the Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy.





The Yıldız University Period (1982-1992)

The Istanbul State Engineering and Architectural Academy and affiliated schools of engineering and the related faculties and departments of the Kocaeli State Engineering and Architecture Academy and the Kocaeli Vocational School were merged to form Yıldız University in 1982. The new university incorporated the departments of Science-Literature and Engineering, the Vocational School in Kocaeli, a Science Institute, a Social Sciences Institute and the Foreign Languages, Atatürk Principles and the History of Revolution, Turkish Language, Physical Education and Fine Arts departments affiliated with the Rectorate.



The Yıldız Technical University Period (1992-)

Our university was renamed into Yildiz Technical University in 1992. The Engineering Faculty was divided into four faculties and restructured as the Electrical-Electronics, Construction, Mechanical and Chemical-Metallurgy Faculties and also included the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences within its organization. The Kocaeli Faculty of Engineering and the Kocaeli Vocational School were released from our university to be restructured as Kocaeli University. Today our university has 11 Faculties, 2 Graduate Schools, the Vocational School for Foreign Languages and more than 36.000 students.